

National Survey 2005
On the Conditions of Part-Time University Lecturers
The survey has finished. Thank you.

首都圏大学非常勤講師組合 ・ 関西圏大学非常勤講師組合
University Teachers Union ・ NUGW 東京南部 ・ ゼネラルユニオン ・ 福岡ゼネラルユニオン

The Tokyo Area University Part-time Teachers Union
University Part-time Lecturers Union Kansai
University Teacher Union, NUGW Tokyo Nambu, General Union, Fukuoka General Union

 今日,日本の大学教育は非常勤講師に大きく依存して成り立っております.とりわけ私立大学においては非常勤講師による授業数は専任教員に匹敵するような場合も珍しくありません.また,国公立大学では,独立行政法人化が進み,非常勤講師の状況が大きく変化しています.さらに,不安定雇用 (パート,非常勤,有期雇用,派遣等) は世界レベルで急速に拡大しており,不安定雇用の問題は,大学や日本に留まらないグローバルな問題ともなっています.

 大学非常勤講師の労働と生活の実態に関する調査は,7年前,1999年度に京都を中心とする地域でアンケート調査を行ったのが最初で,その報告書は2001年に発刊されました.2002年には全国調査を行い,2003年に報告書を発刊しました.この2回の報告は全国の新聞やテレビなどで数多くとりあげられ,大学非常勤講師問題への社会的関心を一層高めることができました.特に2003年の報告書は,省庁との交渉や,国会での質疑でも利用され,非常勤講師給に対する私学補助金の1.5倍化や,国立大独法化における均等待遇の指導 (いずれも2004年) などに,少なからぬ役割を果たしています.


 報告書の発刊は2006年夏の予定です.2001年と2003年の報告書はhttp://hijokin.org でごらんになれます.2003年の報告書 (紙媒体) は各組合で頒布しています.お問い合わせください.

University education in Japan relies heavily on part-time lecturers. Part-time lecturers often teach the same number of classes as full-timers, especially at private universities. As national and public universities incorporate, the situation of part-time lecturers is changing dramatically. Also, unstable forms of employment such as dispatch, non-regular, part-time and fixed-term employment have rapidly increased worldwide. The lack of employment security at universities in Japan is also a global issue.

The first survey on the living and working conditions of part-time university lecturers was carried out 7 years ago in Kyoto (in fiscal 1999) and the report was published in 2001. A nationwide survey was then carried out in 2002 and the report was published in 2003. These two reports have been referred to many times by newspapers and on television, which has focused public attention on issues facing part-time university lecturers. In particular, the 2003 report has been used in negotiations with Ministries and in interpellation at the Diet, which has helped secure an increase by 1.5 in the salary of part-time lecturers through private school aid and guiding equal treatment in incorporation of national universities (both were in 2004). The reports 2001 and 2003 are available from http://www.hijokin.org. Each union distributes copies of the report 2003. Please contact us if you wish to obtain a copy.

Following on from the success of these two reports, we would like to carry out another nationwide survey with the help of 6 organizations round the country. Arguably, this kind of survey should be carried out by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology but our approach can encourage part-time university lecturers to consider their own working situations and help to clarify how they themselves perceive their own working conditions.

All part-time university lecturers may take part in this survey, even those who also have a regular job. We hope that both union and non-union members will take part. All personal information provided by respondents will be kept confidential. The final report will be published in summer 2006.

Please email enq@hijokin.org or contact the unions listed below if you have any questions about the questionnaire.

首都圏大学非常勤講師組合 The Tokyo Area University Part-time Teachers Union
 tel 03-5395-5255
 fax 03-5395-5139
関西圏大学非常勤講師組合 University Part-time Lecturers Union Kansai
University Teachers Union
NUGW 東京南部 NUGW Tokyo Nambu
 tel 03-3434-0669
 fax 03-3433-0334
ゼネラルユニオン General Union
 tel 06-6352-9619
 fax 06-6352-9630
福岡ゼネラルユニオン Fukuoka General Union
 tel/fax 092-473-1222
Please contact the union nearest you if you have any problems.
Union consultations are available to any university employees (not only part-time lecturers).